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1. She was called to the principal's office.(她被叫到了校长办公室。)
2. They called their daughter Jane.(他们给女儿取名叫Jane。)
3. The phone was answered by a man called John.(电话是由一个叫John的男人接听的。)
4. She was called upon to speak at the meeting.(她被要求在会议上发言。)
5. I called my mother last night.(我昨晚给我母亲打电话了。)
6. We called the police after we found the wallet.(我们找到钱包后打电话报了警。)
7. She was called the best player of the game.(她被称为比赛的最佳球员。)
8. They called their new pet dog Max.(他们给新宠物狗取名叫Max。)
9. I was called out of my name during the meeting.(开会时有人叫错我的名字。)
10. She was called to the stage to accept the award.(她被叫到台上领奖。)
11. He was called a liar by the other candidate during the debate.(在辩论中,他被称为撒谎者。)
12. She was called upon to answer some questions at the end of the presentation.(在演讲结束时,她被要求回答一些问题。)
13. They called their new product a game-changer in the industry.(他们称新产品为行业中的改变者。)
14. She was called the most talented artist in the city.(她被称为城市中最有才华的艺术家。)
15. They called their company the industry leader in innovation.(他们称自己的公司是行业中的创新领导者。)
16. She was called upon to present her research at a conference in Europe.(她被要求在欧洲的一个会议上介绍她的研究成果。)
17. He was called out of his hiding place by the sound of gunfire.(听到枪声,他从藏身之处走了出来。)
18. She was called to the stand to testify in court.(她被叫到证人席上作证。)
19. They called their new album their most successful work yet.(他们称新专辑是他们迄今为止最成功之作。)
20. She was called a heroine by the newspaper for her actions during the storm.(由于她在暴风雨中的表现,报纸称她为女英雄。)
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