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  • solvelancer怎么能注册成为答主帮答疑解惑
  • 帮忙写一个四级水平的英语作文英语高手进The Highspeedtrains
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  • 一、solvelancer怎么能注册成为答主帮答疑解惑

    咨询记录 · 回答于2021-08-05 ('wywContentAnswerPayChatList-',
    Solvelancer APP-海外初高中生数学问题线上兼职平台,主要帮助国外小朋友解答初高中的数学题。首先需要你的手机网络能够上外
    网,能够挂VPN,然后在谷 歌平台上,下载这个软件,注册后,即可成为答主。那怎么能连上外网?,VPN是什么?国家禁止连外 网。除非你在国外才可以。

    二、帮忙写一个四级水平的英语作文英语高手进The Highspeedtrains

    The High-speed-trains in China要求Outline:1. More and more high-speed trains are
    put into operation in China,150--380km/per hour.2. Benefits(fast,saving-
    time,sparious,conveninent, comfotortable,relieve the buden of other
    transportation means) and demerits(unsafe, high-price). should make proper use
    of hs trains in our life(when we rush through have enough money, take it;
    otherwise,take the ordinary trains
    instead.)求大神写一篇范文出来!现在我一点思路没有!英语不好~!求大神~!Plus de trains à grande vitesse made
    in China sur les rails

    La Chine va lancer sur rails plus de 500 trains de fabrication chinoise à
    grande vitesse cette année après la 6ème augmentation consécutive de la
    vitesse limite sur le trafic ferroviaire, a annoncé le Ministre des Chemins de
    fer. 铁路部门负责人宣布,随着第六次提速,今年将有超过500列中国制造的高速列车开上铁轨。

    L'augmentation de la vitesse entrera en vigueur le 18 avril, a déclaré Hu
    Yadong, vice ministre des Chemins de fer, lors d'une conférence de presse
    tenue à Beijing (Pékin). 铁路部门负责人胡亚东在北京一个新闻发布会上说,4月18日火车提速将正式开始。

    Hu a annoncé que 280 trains à grande vitesse entreront en action le 18 avril
    et un total de 514 trains de cet acabit sera sur les rails d'ici la fin de
    cette année. 从一月到十月,瑞士的旅馆就接待了位中国游客,比同年增长21%。

    Le temps de voyage entre les principales villes sera réduit de 50 pour cent
    étant donné que les trains rouleront désormais à 250 km/h, a précisé Hu.
    Actuellement, les trains express en Chine roule en moyenne à 115 km/h.
    the booming tourist trade has brought about mass exchange of population
    between different nations. at first glance, this bridges the understanding and
    communication between different cultures. in my opinion, however, this fast-
    growing industry has produced tension between people from different cultural
    background. the first barrier for curious tourists from all over the world is
    the problem of language. the most attractive destinations of tourism are,
    ironically, less developed areas where the world language --- english, has not
    been prevalent. therefore, the direct contact between tourists and local
    residents has been cut down. the tour guide, normally interpreter too, becomes
    the only link of communication. but unfortunately, as indicated in any guide-
    training handbook, the responsibility of a tour guide is to arouse the
    tourists’ interest and passion rather than present a lecture on cultural
    difference. thus, tourists, beyond their expectations, cannot fully understand
    the cultures which appears to be exotic. another obstacle is from the local
    government. as i argue before, in most of case, the ‘local’ refers to the less
    developed regions. in order to attract foreign investment and maintain the
    local tourism industry, the officials, deliberately or not, only hope to show
    outsiders the positive side of the area, hence, the part of local living. as a
    result, conducted tours are carefully censored. the tourists, or ‘prisoners’
    to some extent, are allowed to see only what the organizers want them to see
    and no more. a window-shop schedule gives no opportunity to wander off on
    one’s own. in this way, even for a knowledgeable traveler with practical
    experience can only ‘see’ the superficial of the local culture. if so, an
    instant misunderstanding will be falsely shaped. all things considered, the
    international tourism contributes absolutely nothing to increasing
    understanding. instead, in its way as it is today, a hideous prejudice and
    misinterpretation will be established. 利与弊: ……(用一个从句引出的话题) gradually becomes a
    pressing/hot-button/controversial/heated issue/opinion . in my point of view ,
    trere are some advantages/strenthens/merits and
    disadvantages/weakens/shortcommings . in this essay , i want to compare them
    in several aspects and suggest some actions to take to solve its bad parts .
    (两三个即可) 然后再讲解决方法,要注意有针对性。
    我可以举个很简单的例子: 非洲国家有很多人正在遭受饥饿、痛苦和贫穷。
    高中生可以这样写: many people in african coutries are very poor , pain and hungry
    .(词汇贫乏句式简单,pain用词不恰当) 一般的大学生可以这样写: africans are suffering from stavation ,
    misery and poor life .(虽然有一定的词汇,但是没有表现力,很乏味,相信改卷老师看了太多这样的句子了,已经是睡眼惺忪了。
    ) 英语专业的学生就不一样拉,他们寻求表现力: stavation , misery and poverty(贫穷) are embracing tens
    of thousands of residents(居民) living in african coutries
    ) 所以写作的时候要绞尽脑汁(rack your brain)来想出一些办法增强表现力,但是这是一个长期的过程,不可能一蹴而就的!

    三、我可以加入吗 我可以加入吗


